admin 1 December, 2018 0

The Youth And Islam Theology

A man came to the Holy Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam and said: My camel starts crying whenever i go into my bed for sleep, i do not know the reason behind it and i am very much worried. Holy Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam asked him if he offers his Namaz e Isha. The man answered: “No!I do not”. Our Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam told the man that your camel cries because he sees the fire under your bed when you go into it without offering your Namaz. The man offered his Namaz e Isha and that night, his camel did not cry anymore.[Muslim] This incident shows the importance of Namaz e Isha and there are many incidents which tell us about the importance of every Namaz. But today, people have forgotten their religion. They feel shame of acting upon it. They have restless nights and joyless life because they do not follow their religion. Especially our youth is going to the very wrong path, who has the responsibility of the nation on their shoulders. It is a very terrible condition to be sight.


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