Globalisation and the Evolution of Nation-States

This work was produced by one of our professional writers as a learning aid to help you with your studies The phenomenon of globalisation has sparked debate in recent years that a ‘new world order’ is upon us; that the world – its nation-states, citizens, economies, cultures, and political systems, among many others – are […]

admin 9 January, 2019 0

Example Politics Essay – 2:1 Standard

This work was produced by one of our professional writers as a learning aid to help you with your studies Why has the concept of Sovereignty proved such a powerful political concept? Introduction That the concept of sovereignty still is a powerful concept can be seen with regard to European integration. The gradual transfer of […]

Assessment of the Legitimacy of the House of Lords

This work was produced by one of our professional writers as a learning aid to help you with your studies This essay assesses both the legitimacy and usefulness of the British House of Lords within a modern democratic state. It first turns to some broad theoretical background which should alert the reader to the deep-seated […]

Does Machiavelli Reduce Politics to Force?

This work was produced by one of our professional writers as a learning aid to help you with your studies In this essay, I assess whether Machiavelli reduces politics to force. To construct a response to this, it is necessary to explore what “force” means, since “force” is a philosophically weak concept. In order to […]

Discussion on the Validity of The Leftist Intellectual

This work was produced by one of our professional writers as a learning aid to help you with your studies Famously, in the last of his Theses on Feuerbach (1845), Marx declared that ‘The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways; the point is to change it’ (1974, p.123). This was intended as […]

Democracy and Democratic Politics

This work was produced by one of our professional writers as a learning aid to help you with your studies Introduction Democracy usually refers to a political system that advocates the kratos (meaning the rule) or the demos (meaning, the collectivity) of ‘the people’ in Greek (Castoriadis 2007, p.122). The demos, that also stands for […]

Attack Ads in US Presidential Elections

This work was produced by one of our professional writers as a learning aid to help you with your studies Discuss to what extent attack ads are effective within presidential election campaigns in the U.S, with a focus on the 2012 election In the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election Attack ads were a major part of […]

Oxidative Stress in human Brain Ageing

This work was produced by one of our professional writers as a learning aid to help you with your studies The human brain is the main source of nerve function in the body. It is the epicentre of the nervous system and controls all of the main neural functions of the human body (Lewiset al, […]

Plant Physiology Essay

This work was produced by one of our professional writers as a learning aid to help you with your studies Introduction In the study of general biology, a number of fields such as plant anatomy, plant taxonomy, plant physiology, comparative ecosystems, comparative animal physiology, neurophysiology, physiological ecology, endocrinology, and principles of electronic instrumentation may be […]

Pigments and Photosynthesis

This work was produced by one of our professional writers as a learning aid to help you with your studies Lab Four: Plant Pigments and Photosynthesis Part A Table 4.1: Distance Moved by Pigments Band (millimetres) Band Number Distance (mm) Band Colour 1. 15 Yellow 2. 35 Yellow 3. 73 Green 4. 172 Olive Green […]


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